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Cost: $99.00 for all five PDF guidebooks.

Results: This guide has generated over 500 leads for our company. Average Lead cost $23 – based on ROAS

The Ultimate Retirement Guide consists of:

  1. How Much Do You Need To Retire?
  2. What is an Annuity and How Does It Work?
  3. What to Consider When Purchasing Life Insurance?
  4. Will You Retire at the “Wrong” time?
  5. More Income With 30% Less Money

Value: Equaling $260 a piece in labor cost per guide, that’s a massive value of $1,300 = 5×260

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Be the expert and educate your clients! Start your next conversation with your own custom branded Ultimate Retirement Guide.

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The Answer Comes From The People!

What Our Advisors Think:

I have close to $800,000 in product sales, just on the first month of participating. I’m very happy with its performance.

Greg B.

What Consumers Had To Say:

“Wow, this guide was insightful. The quality of information is great!”

“I was unsure of a lot of financial related topics, but this guide is well put together and easy to understand. I found it very informative!”  

See For Yourself

Below are previews of the guidebooks

How Much Do You Need To Retire?

What is an Annuity and how does it work?

What to Consider when Purchasing Life Insurance?

Will You Retire at the Wrong Time?

More Income With 30% Less Money

© Elite Advisors Media Group