“Implementing Client Acquisition Processes For Successful Financial Practices”

Empower Your Business With SMS Messaging and Voicemail Drops

Why Do You Need This?

The Proof Is In The Statistics!

SMS Messaging

75% of consumers are OK with receiving SMS messages from brands (after they’ve opted in).

98% of US smartphone users send text messages regularly.

Only 10% of SMS marketing messages are spam, compared to nearly 50% of emails.

Voicemail Drops

Voicemails can generate between 7 – 11% call back ratios

Voicemail drops don’t disturb the recipient regardless of the day or time it’s delivered.

Most people listen to their voicemails before deleting them (but may hang up on a recorded broadcast message)

What This Program Includes


Implementation of one broadcast


Consulting on your messaging and objective


Any necessary edits to sound file


Delivery success reporting

Application Points

  • Prompt Callbacks for Consulting
  • Text To Win Customer Appreciation Contest
  • Perform charity event/webinar/workshop invites
  • Drive people to Video Engagement Pages
  • Qualify People Through conditional-response surveys
  • Perform event/webinar/workshop promotions
  • Short Code Campaigns (People “Text” a keyword to a specific number and send automated replies) 

While this service can be utilized on its own it is often paired with other marketing programs such as Short Video Production + Landing Pages to enhance their effectiveness

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