A workflow that will reactivate leads, build data sets, and boost sales!
If you’re like most, you have a CRM filled with leads that have gone cold and are no longer receptive to email or phone campaigns. You know these leads could be a gold mine, yet you’re unsure of how to reactivate their brand awareness and encourage them to do business.
Understanding that most lead-generation efforts only capture a Name, Email, and Phone number, we want to highlight a critical piece of data that is often overlooked. This data point being the home address.
The home address is extremely valuable. In fact, a well-crafted mailer – such as ones provided by Reminder Media – sent to a consumer’s home, has a high chance of not only being read, but also finding a permanent place on the coffee table. Thus, keeping your brand front and center.
Incentivizing the consumer to provide their home address however can be a bit more difficult when compared to the standard email or phone.
Our solution to overcome this data-collection-objection is a workflow that starts with a Prize Giveaway and is followed up by a Direct Mailer.
To begin, I will outline the workflow below for you reference.
Step One: Select a prize to giveaway.
This could be a standard Visa gift card or a credit to a local establishment, (Restaurant, Golf Course, Movie Theater, etc). It should be of great perceived value and appeal to your target audience.
Step Two: Establish a way for your database to opt-in to the giveaway.
A landing page and webform with pre-populating address fields are best for this.
Step Three: Deliver an email and SMS campaign.
Campaign messaging and subject line should be powerful and enticing in order boost odds of engagement. The message should invite them to register for the giveaway.
Note: You could also perform social advertising of this promo to further build a database.
Step Four: Select a winner!
This could be done via a software that selects at random or via a physical drawing. A physical drawing would be fun if it were recorded and then published to social media. Do whichever is comfortable for you.
Step Five: If willing, request that the winner provide a testimony for their prize. This will be used to validate the offer and create brand awareness through future advertising.
Campaign Status: You have now collected addresses from existing data sets that were otherwise incomplete. Use these in addition to your other data to perform a mailer campaign.
Step Six: Determine a mailer strategy that is non-sales oriented yet features Call-to-Actions within. For this we highly recommend the Lifestyle Magazine provided by our valued partner Reminder Media.
With three categories of content, this magazine provides options to deliver custom messages per individual in addition to Call-to-Action inserts which can be used to promote yourself or other businesses.
Another option could be to send a direct mail piece inviting the consumer to an engagement event focused on entertainment and networking.
Enjoy the Results
The purpose of this mailer content is to appeal to the consumers other interest as opposed to being strictly focused on finance. This enables you to relate to the prospective client on a more personal level which effectively encourages top-of-mind awareness for your services and a warmer experience when talking finance.
By repeating the data building, direct mail-based strategy, you will undoubtably experience higher engagement from your database which will lead to more conversations about finance.
If you have further questions about t implementation of this process or would like assistance, contact us here at www.EliteAMG.com or call 810.522.6689
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